

14 products

  • Wool & Felt Craft

Sustainable products do not exhaust our natural resources. Sustainable materials are quickly renewed or easily recycled, either back into the earth or into useful products. Traditional materials such as timber, bamboo, organic cotton, hemp and earth are usually considered sustainable except when gathered from sensitive environments. New materials, such as plastics and metals could be described as sustainable when effectively recycled. Well designed products from traditional, durable materials are long lasting and low maintenance. 

14 products
Bamboo Knitting Needles 6mm
Hand-Dyed Pure Wool Felt Fabric
Hand-Dyed Wool Felt, Fire (Reds)
Hand Dyed Wool Felt
Kids Rainbow Craft Pack
Sold Out
ValleyMaker Large Waratah Weaving Kit
Materials included in the ValleyMaker Large Waratah weaving kit
ValleyMaker Australian Wildflower (Large Waratah) Weaving Kit
Valleymaker Paper Daisy Wildflower Weaving Kit
Valleymaker Paper Daisy Wildflower Weaving Kit Materials
ValleyMaker Australian Wildflower (Paper Daisy) Weaving Kit
ValleyMaker Australian Tea Tree Weaving Kit materials
ValleyMaker Australian Wildflower Weaving Kits
ValleyMaker Australian Wildflower (Tee Tree) Weaving Kit
ValleyMaker Autumn Leaf Weaver Kit materials
ValleyMaker Autumn woven/stitched Leaves
ValleyMaker Autumn Leaf Weaver (Set of 3)
ValleyMaker Christmas Ornament Kit materials
ValleyMaker Christmas Ornament Kit
ValleyMaker Christmas Ornament Kit
ValleyMaker Gum Leaf Weaver
Valley Maker Gum Leaf Weaver materials
ValleyMaker Gum Leaf Weaver
ValleyMaker Plant Dyed Wool Embroidery Thread Sets
ValleyMaker Wildflower Weaver Brooch Kit
Wool Hand-Felted Square Sheets
A Selection of coloured hand-felted sheets
Wool Hand-Felted Square Sheets
Wool Yarn multicoloured, 16ply
Wool Yarn - Multi Coloured, 16 ply
Wool Yarn solid colours, 16 ply
Wool Yarn solid colours, 16 ply, close-up
Wool Yarn - Solid Colours, 16 ply
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